Saturday, April 08, 2006


A state of delirium, an overstated belief of a wandering mind.
We seek it more than the basics of nature.
I ask myself time and again
And yet gifted are those who pause to look for that moment that fills them with happiness.
My question: What is being Happy?
Money, Great Job, warm family, fantastic friends.
Is that all?
Since when did externalities become the very basis of happiness I ask?
Whatever happened to being intrinsically happy?
Is this being gifted?
I rather challenge it’s very premise then.

..What am I getting at?

Ok here it is.
The question is: Are you HAPPY?
And if you are, can you attribute it to being at peace with yourself rather than dependence on a source outside of you?
Pause for a minute.
Look within and set your self on the course to finding peace and happiness.
It’s the only thing that will last.’


……. (Aside)
No. I don’t intend preaching.
Cut me some slack guys, it’s in some way my way of finding my way back HOME.

Saturday, April 01, 2006


I try but I don’t seem to succeed.
I just doesn’t get any better
Like the ebb and flow, the ups and downs they get the better of me all the time.
What gives you the impression that I am not making an attempt?
It’s just that I don’t know where and how to begin.

Strangely Complex. Yet seemingly simple.

But didn’t they say it was just that EASY?
Life is simple you’re the one whose complicating it!
Stupid Bitch!
Get up! Pull up those freaking socks!
Can’t you hear me?

I can but it’s too loud.
And yet there is silence…